The male defendants were greeted on Wednesday with a huge round of applause, many of them waving and smiling to friends and relatives in the courtroom. They also then screened their faces from photographers with folders, one of which had the message "Free All Antifas" taped (in English) on its cover. When Lina E. herself was brought in a few minutes later, the applause was even louder and longer, with virtually the whole of the gallery that wasn't press standing up.

Hell yeah

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Much of the prosecution's case rested on the testimony of a member of her group who turned state's witness: 30-year-old Johannes D., who said before the Dresden Higher Regional Court that the four defendants had trained specifically for attacks on right-wing extremists. But when he himself stood trial in Meiningen in February, he allegedly said that it was merely a matter of normal martial arts training for physical exercise. Johannes D. was given only a suspended sentence of 18 months in Meiningen, adding to speculation that he had provided useful testimony against Lina E. to lighten his own punishment.

    CW SA

    The article conveniently forgets to mention that this guy was cast out of Dreden's antifa for r*ping one of his comrades. The sex pest was then recruited as the key witness to build this case.

    • CommunistBear [he/him]
      1 year ago

      How is that not considered perjury when you testify two different things about the same event?

    • Kuori [she/her]
      1 year ago