seen it attached to multiple videos like this one of cops in fields with workers

first guess is that this is just a cracking down on kulak-type stuff

e: also found this :reddit-logo: post on the very non-biased r/fucktheccp

lot's of commenters trying to launder terribly biased sources in there :shocked-pikachu:

    • JuneFall [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      It is actually good though if it does happen. However the English description of events is in nearly all cases just propaganda and not related to what is actually happening.

      For one diversity of plants is important, however there are plenty of crops you don't want to have on farms or in the garden of civilians, cause of the adverse effects those plants have on your ecosystem on one hand, or in the chain of diseases (this means that some gardens can be safe houses for bacteria or fungi etc.).

      In addition small scale farming often uses plenty more pesticides and uses more resources if done in a small garden. This means that there are good reasons to regulate plant and crop planting and growing.

      Fun fact: It is not allowed to introduce potatoes or soil from Europe to New Zealand. It is also forbidden to import plenty of crops to the US, not only those with THC.

      In terms of banana trees and sugar cane I would like to add the following:

      Bananas are rotated with crops like sugarcane, pulses, vegetables, etc. It helps the soil to regain fertility and some extent to weed control. The period of crop rotation varies from 2-3 years.

      You can not rotate, but then you have to use more pesticides, and fertilizer which affects the ground water and damages your long term soil viability. It also makes it so that certain kinds of weeds are much more likely, which will not only affect your plot, but other people's plots, too. Which means more weed killer will be used which is bad for sustainability and climate change reasons.

      Then of course there are other aspects. The US and all the countries in the West do control and regulate some amount of produce production. It is a question of crisis preparedness and prevention. So if China does it it wouldn't be extraordinary :parenti:

      Furthermore refocusing of what crop mix is good is a question of policy which does happen in any country, be it Germany where the christian conservatives got plenty of subsidies for bio-gasoline, in Brazil with the last president and the US, too. Of course having produce which has a better RoI is better for your trade balance. I doubt that the video clip is showing the effects of such a policy. It is much more likely that the video is from something that happens in Germany as well, farmers not acting according to guidelines to make profit and then getting arrested if they don't change their actions/pay fines/go to court (to be sentenced for fines).

      Of course it might also be that some regional offices does bullshit, that is part of society as you will always have some people who do not act according to law, best knowledge etc. I have doubts that is the case here and think it is in line with regular policy you can also find in the West. Edit

      I do agree though, if it sounds strange it likely is fake. But if fake stuff in China happens - especially if it is done by "officials" - then it often got legit scientific reasons and conforms to international best practices.