I was kind of passively monogamous until hooking up with a polyamorous woman on Tinder. I started a relationship with her and even though I made some attempts at dating other people, this mostly just became her having sex with other guys and me being involved with her exclusively. But I found out that I have zero jealousy, like none at all, as long as she had the time and attention for me. I found out a lot about myself that I didn't expect.

So, anyway, I wanted to create a thread about positive experiences with polyamory, due to a thread on the test instance.

  • posthexbearposting [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I'm bipolar and my sex drive varies with my phases. I'm essentially ace when depressed, which deprives my partners of sex as well as romance due to feeling shitty.

    And when I'm manic, my sex drive is ridiculously high and potentially unreasonable for most partners. I can also generally be a bit much while manic.

    Poly life makes this a lot easier on myself and my partners. I'm also queer and pan so there's the typical queer liberation and anti family unit reasonings.