I was kind of passively monogamous until hooking up with a polyamorous woman on Tinder. I started a relationship with her and even though I made some attempts at dating other people, this mostly just became her having sex with other guys and me being involved with her exclusively. But I found out that I have zero jealousy, like none at all, as long as she had the time and attention for me. I found out a lot about myself that I didn't expect.

So, anyway, I wanted to create a thread about positive experiences with polyamory, due to a thread on the test instance.

  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Humans don't really have a nature as such. However monogamy is a learned behavior, so poly is just as natural we just don't have the skills and language associated with it in the same way.

    I have been poly for years and years now. The way it mostly works is that we will have occasional flings. So in effect we look like a regular cis het monogamous couple that cheats occasionally. Which is thr most normal form of polyamoury. we just talk about it and make sure that every is feeling happy and taken care of. It's both nicer and less energy than monogamy.