You know how you can only successfully reproduce if a male gamete meets a female gamete? Fungi say "Nah" and have many, many different kinds of gamete that are all mutually reciprocal to each other. So instead of male /female you have A/B/C/D/E... and can reproduce by pairing AB, AC, AD, AE, BA, BC, DE, EB, and so on
You know how you can only successfully reproduce if a male gamete meets a female gamete? Fungi say "Nah" and have many, many different kinds of gamete that are all mutually reciprocal to each other. So instead of male /female you have A/B/C/D/E... and can reproduce by pairing AB, AC, AD, AE, BA, BC, DE, EB, and so on
:shroomjak: one more reason to take the shroompill