You all know and love debunking. But have you heard of pre-bunking?

One approach is so-called “pre-bunking” - the targeted presentation of other perspectives and fact-based information. This involves being proactive instead of just reacting. In other words, not just trying to refute disinformation after the fact.


Check out the big brain on Mr. Osintguy. I spent way too much time looking at their sponsors. You can find the funniest shit in their mission statements:

PulseOfEurope: Defend the heart of Europe – with your vote. vote

iac Berlin: Understanding and developing relational approaches in the field of philanthropy yud-rational

Relational approaches are increasingly recognized for their potential to support sustainable solutions and to nurture greater resilience while navigating complex challenges.

The good Lobby: We democratise lobbying not-good

Toguna Leadership:

What do we see as the art of leading people? To be an invested sparring partner as those we lead wrestle with the most fundamental questions, we all bring to work and life: Does my contribution matter? Do I belong (here)? Will I stay relevant and have a future (here)? agony-limitless

Front Europjeski: Literally just "European Front", I guess Eastern Front was too on the nose? freedom-and-democracy

  • itappearsthat
    4 months ago

    I've heard of a related thing where people will propagate easily-debunkable info claiming "Russia/China/BadCountry is saying this" along with a debunk of it. So falsely setting out that BadCountry is "lying" about some issue so if BadCountry later publishes credible things they can undermine it with "well they already lied about it here".

    For example, publishing a badly-photoshopped photo of the USS Eisenhower with a crater on its deck saying it came from China, and then pointing out the bad photoshop.