I know multiple people that listen to it, I'm not personally interested but I want to understand what they're absorbing from it.

I know it's by Robert (Fed) Evans, but is much of an obvious fed influence?

EDIT: I just read a bunch of recent episode titles and based on the topics it's not obviously drenched in anti-communism so that's good.

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 年前

    I have listened to a few and I found it entertaining but lack any real much critical thought. It's on the same level as "Last Week Tonight" or "Some More News" which I'd put on a C-tier, enjoyable and informative but lacks any meaningful or insightful critique.. There isn't much useful dialog with the guest, it's like a Dollop with some of the punch removed. Some of the Cracked dotcom humor bleeds through as well, which is usually good but can also go on for way too long, it's like 70% funny 30% grading.

    I also find the adbreaks their transitions to be actively unfunny.