• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Lol. Some guy was telling me this is the problem with Warframe's PvP. He's not strictly speaking wrong, there are some weapon mods that you need, but they drop as rewards from matches and you'll get most of them pretty quickly, and aside from taht it's mostly learning where the health, mana, and ammo items are in each map and then getting really good at aiming at a dude flying across the room at 43 miles per hour while unloading machine pistols at you.

    Like, idfk. I wanted to play battlefield because CoD is such ruthlessly abusive monetized bullshit and you might as well be playing single player against over-tune bots because there is no teamwork or team cooperation at all most of the time. It's like co-play in toddlers where they play next to each other but they don't play with each other, and every year it's becoming more strictly mechanically enforced - No more privately run servers, so no more communities centered on those servers. Everything is match-made, so no playing with your friends unless they're in the same bracket as you. Squads can only have 3-4 people now so if you have more than 2-3 friends then fuck you. And there are no server browsers anymore, you have to join via match making, so you can't even have all your friends join the same server. Fuck you. Play with randoms who don't communicate and don't care about teamwork. idfk it's gotten so much worse, and I hate it all. We used to make our own fucking skins and maps and game modes. We didn't need to wait a year for an update or pay for a fucking battlepass so we could run around on a fucking hamster wheel until the psychologists int he marketing department figured we'd reached the optimal point for the next dopamine drip. We used to own shit. You could dig in to the files and do whatever the fuck you want. Now everything is locked down in iron shackles. You play the way the company says, or fuck you.

    I just want to play my fucking games. It's the only way I can get out of my head and out of my house anymore, but anything new, anything I haven't played to death for millions of hours, it's all stuffed full of all this manipulating skinner box loot box gambling bullshit and fucking unlock systems and just abusive shit so much fucking abusive shit. Arbitrary time gates, fomo, arbitrary restrictions. Fucking activision claims that their matchmaking isn't programmed to put you in matches where you'll dominate followed by matches where you'll get fed to someone else so they dominate, alternated at the proper interval to garauntee that you're just the right amount of angry and pissed off that you get maximum catharsis from beating the absolute shit out of players who aren't as good as you, but it sure does subjectively feel like that to the player, and they sure do HAVE A FUCKING PATENT FOR THAT.

    i just want to live my miserable stupid fucking lonely broken disabled life but every fucking way I have to get out is just psychological manipulation and conditioning and marketing and lies and bullshit and trickery and deceit nad I fucking hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it so fucking much. I remember when it started. I remember when Battlefield 2 had guns you had to unlock with playtime, and no one knew what to make of it and most people didn't bother because it was a stupid idea and just got in the way of playing the game. I've watched the whole fucking thing happen. I remember playing Diablo II and what a neat idea it was to have tons of random loot so you could pick the stuff you liked best, and then I watched that go from a novel game mechanic to a carefully honed weapon for seizing control of the human brain and manipulating it's reward mechanisms to keep people glued to a compulsion loop in a game that fed them nothing but anger and tension, a game they hadn't enjoyed in tens or hundreds of hours, because they were totally fixated on that little dopamine hit from getting the piece of gear they were anticipating. And it's so fucking finely honed now, and most people don't even see it, or worse, they do, they fucking do. They see it and they know why it's there and they LIKE IT. It's a fucking lotus eater machine and they're totally cool with it. What the fuck? What the entire fuck? What the fuck happened? The world wasn't supposed to be like this? We were warned, we knew all this shit was coming twenty or thirty years ago, we knew how it was going to work, we knew what it was going to do to people, and we didn't prevent any of it. We never even tried. I mean, I'm fucking broken, I'm such a fucking wreck I can't even clean my fucking room, it wasn't my responsibility. I couldn't stop anything. I saw it all happening and i couldn't do anything and they people who could *DIDN'T> They just let it happen and I had to go fight and i got so borken every time while they told me to vote and vote and did fucking nothing and it was so obvious and they just believed all the fucking lies and let it happen and it just keeps happeing and even now they won't realize or admit they fucked up and that their leaders are fucking man eating monsters who despise them. We've achieved nothing and learned nothing and it's so much worse now. what the fuck? What hte fuck happened? How the fuck did, like... I saw fucking star wars. I got the message. Empire bad rebels good. Shoot hte fucking bad guys and blow up there stuff. It wasn't ambiguous. How the fuck did people look at that and all they got it was lighsaber go swish? It was fucking moral instruction, it was a gameplan, it was how you're supposed to live your fucking life; If you're confronted by evil destroy it. Not with some fucking meaningless march to the office of some senator who doesn't give a shit. WITH A FUCKING SWORD. how the fuck did this happen? How the fuck are americans so relentlessly ignorant and cowardly and complicit in their own misery and subjugation? What hte fuck? Fuckl.

    Thi sis my union mandated quartery big messy breakdown. What the fuck? How did we lose the 20th so fucking bad? Like it was all there, a roadmap to the whole future, the sci-fi guys figured it all out 20, 30, 40 years before the technology and the psychology and the information warfare capabilities were able to implement it and it'd didn't matter at all. It didn't stop anything. people are totally, utterly, helplessly domesticated and of the tiny fraction that realize it so many of them like it. God there were so many action movies in teh 90s about corrupt fucking news anchors lying to stoke peoples fears and manipulate them. Arnold fucking schwarzenegger was in a movie called running man and the thing that set up the plot was he was an attack helicopter pilot and refused to open fire on a food riot in bakersfield so his co-pilot beat him up and carried out the massacre and then they edited the footage to make it look like he'd done the massacer without orders to shift the blame from the government to him. Just this stupid fucking schwarzenegger movie and it's about how the fucking news networks manipualte stories to make the good guys look like badguys and re-direct people's anger and hatred. A fucking schwarzenegger movie about dudes with big muscles killing each other so they could show off the special effects. Just dumber than paint, but the message is still there and no one got it and it didn't matter. Robocop, Starship troopers, dozens of others. Every bad th ing happening with "AI' now. Global fucking warming! We knew. We all knew. Everyone fucking knew. It wasn't mysterious and it wasn't fucking poorly understood. We knew thirty fucking years ago, and the environmentalists knew before that, and fucking Exxon knew first, in the 70s, they did the math and they knew everything, adn they lied and covered it up and lied and distracted peiopleqan and it fucking worked and now the fucking planet is dyiing and it's so bad you can see it every fucking day and there's o way to ignore it any more. How did we fuck up this bad? The FBI hunted down all the militant environmentalists in the 90s because they knew they were more dangerous than the Islamic terrorists. The terrorists blow up a building so fucking what some people die build a new building everyone gets rich. But if people realized the environmentalists were right, that the world was iun existential danger, things might change and that can't be allowed. Fuck. FUck. I'm so fucking tired. I've been marching and fucking weriting and trying to convince people for TWENTY FUCKING YEARS and i'm not even good at it and I've been sick for som uch of that time and none of it mattered at all and it's just gotten worse and worse.l Fuck. I'm gonna stop now fuck I am so tired.