Every time we chat, and the discussion turns towards capitalism, she’s the one who without any hesitation just says we should kill them all. Now, though, it’s gone further to torture. And she names names. In addition to people like Bezos and Musk, she includes Ben Shapiro, Andrew Tate and others.

I say we should force them to work and maybe learn the error of their ways (After the revolution of course. During it many of these fucks will die and I’ll be glad).

Her current jobs is extremely horrible. She’s being massively overworked, verbally abused and, of course, underpaid. So I get her frustration. But it’s also scary. I don’t want her to get in any trouble.

I don’t know if I should be gently turning her away from imagining a slow and painful torture of capitalists or not. Am I being a lib or is she too extreme?

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    It won't make you happy. It'll just make you in to a traumatized monster. People who engage in mass killing and come out intact were monsters going in. And of the people who weren't monsters going in, they either come out broken in ways that can never be healed, or they come out monsters. Killing people in combat is hard enough and breaks people horribly. Slaughtering helpless captives is corrosive to your psyche in horrible, horrible, horrible ways. And if you do it in the moment, if you do it in a fugue of bloodlust and anger, you'll spend the rest of your life terrified of losing control, of unleashing that same hatred and madness on people you love in a moment of terror or dissociation.

    Have you heard stories of people who come back from war and their kids know to never, ever, ever wake them up, because their parent will pull a gun or attack them without any awareness that they're not back in the war fighting their enemies? That happens to totally normal people, even when they don't commit atrocities, even when they barely see combat. War is the worst thing that can happen. It destroys people in the most horrible ways. And torture and sadism and mass murder are worse.

    Seriously, go read up on PTSD among war veterans. Pick a war, any war. I've seen account of PTSD in warriors from the first world war, from the First Crusade, from the Roman Legions. I've read about knights who spent the rest of their lives waking up screaming, Muslim Faris who never recovered from the battles of the crusades, all kinds of horrible shit.

    If you indulge that bloodlust, that desire to inflict pain, you're hurting yourself and achieving nothing. It's going to be hard enough to heal from a revolution. We're going to lose and entire generation to trauma and PTSD and alcohol and despair, no matter what happens. Winning, even under the best case, will be a human tragedy of enormous proportions. We don't want to make that worse than it needs to be.

    • M68040 [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Thinking on it, wanting to be a worse person is one thing, but actually following through is another. Never did like the limitations of the human psyche much. Never really wanted to live that badly knowing their was no escape from their bullshit anyways, either.