They are also banning anyone that mentions it lmaoooo

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    I don’t think he’ll find people to take the job willingly

    When the subs are big, the number of professionalized power users and the market incentives for control of the sub are equally big. We're nowhere near a day in which there's not some serious incentive to moderate /r/politics, for instance. Nevermind /r/pics, /r/worldnews, or /r/movies. The sheer volume of HailCorporate alone on those sites...

    Once the scab mods realise they can organise together

    How many of these mods are in any position to organize? And how many are just professional social media accounts controlled by marketing teams?

    You think the schlub intern at Conde Naste is interested in forming a solidarity coalition with the schlub interns at Ford Modeling Agency and the Washington Post?