JT going over the fine details on why Capitalism isn't going to make climate change better, even green capitalism (like anyone here really needed to know)
JT going over the fine details on why Capitalism isn't going to make climate change better, even green capitalism (like anyone here really needed to know)
Overall a very good video, probably the best I've seen on the subject, but the problems he figuratively puts in a box and addresses later are still problems outside of capitalism. There's a reason that the peak renewable supply of electricity in China was over 50% of total electricity generated, but it only averaged 29% over the course of a year. Coal can work 24/7, and even in a zero exploitation environment, most renewables can't. Except nuclear, but that's another story.
central planning that isn't profit driven would do better even if it has to run some coal for a while.
I think it says something that China also happens to be trailblazing nuclear energy in a way Americans aren't.
Per CIApedia, by way of Forbes, by way of the Baker Institute