The dasher app is coded to drop you from contention for higher paying orders if your average rating is less than 4.7 stars.

Idk who even needs to hear this but seems like an important thing for anyone using doordash to know.

  • berrytopylus [she/her,they/them]
    1 year ago

    Always rate the highest possible for all service workers unless they are an active danger or maybe exceptionally awful (as in harassing people) is my philosophy there.

    Food late? Server slow? Fuck you, five star them. Openly racist? Tampered with safety? Fair enough, report them then.

    • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      99 times out of 100 a driver is late because of factors outside of their control anyway. Restaurant being slow / understaffed (pay people more? nah), traffic, doordash's unbelievably shitty app crashing for the 3rd time in an hour in the middle of driving on a busy road, etc.

      additional PSA that no one needs to hear: fuck driving

    • W_Hexa_W
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • anotherone [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        Extremely high probability you are talking to a bot but the phrase "I will just charge it back on my credit card then" seems to get you a person and a refund in short order

        It's usually $25-50 charged to the merchant just for filing the dispute regardless of outcome

        • W_Hexa_W
          9 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • anotherone [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            Yeah fair enough, but there is always the option that you actually just do a charge back and 1) unless you are some kind of super baller on delivery food a lot of banks will just give you a courtesy refund anyway and 2) given the fact that basically nobody actually works at these "tech companies" anymore you'd probably win a charge back anyway

            • W_Hexa_W
              9 months ago

              deleted by creator