Hey, I hope this is the right community to ask this:

Do you have good leftists literature on the resource curse especially with respect to imperialism? I have to write a paper on it as part of a compulsory subject for my university and I only found the typical capitalist analysis.

  • Bjork_shhh [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    the Talk page:

    This article warranted a mention of Fareed Zakaria (as it should), but I think a mention of Tom Friedman might belong as well

    Just FYI: Ross Douthat, a columnist for the New York Times, just linked to the article

    Wikipedia is a PMC brainlet hive

    Content from China in Africa


    This segment seems very biased to me, as it mentions Iraq’s invasion of Iran and Kuwait, Libya’s repeated incursions into Chad in the 1970s and 1980s, "Iran’s long-standing pattern of hostility and conflict" (Which pattern exactly? Are those whom it is hostile against not hostile to it?); Venezuela’s mobilization for war against Colombia in 2008 (didn't the Colombian government do a great deal to provoke that?). However, it fails to mention the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003

    Curious that the CIA adjacent radlibs who edit this propaganda make no mention of the the nazi collaborating empire's imperialist genocides since WWII