Hey, I hope this is the right community to ask this:

Do you have good leftists literature on the resource curse especially with respect to imperialism? I have to write a paper on it as part of a compulsory subject for my university and I only found the typical capitalist analysis.

  • AlkaliMarxist
    1 year ago

    Parenti's Imperialism 101 might give you some ideas.

    The enormous wealth extracted should remind us that there originally were few really poor nations. Countries like Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, Bolivia, Zaire, Mexico, Malaysia, and the Philippines were and sometimes still are rich in resources. Some lands have been so thoroughly plundered as to be desolate in all respects. However, most of the Third World is not "underdeveloped" but overexploited. Western colonization and investments have created a lower rather than a higher living standard.

    Essentially the "resource curse" is trivially explained under Marxism, international capitalism is imperialism and the countries with the most natural resources are targeted the most aggressively for exploitation, their social, political and economic ruin is therefore to be expected. The difficulty is articulating that from a starting point that doesn't just reject the idea that it's a real and meaningful phenomenon out of hand.