• Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
    20 дней назад

    I think the mention of Iran is what really pissed me off. They start out mentioning how Mossadegh was overthrown by the CIA for the oil and then without a hint of irony, mention in the same breath that Iran's elections are a sham and how Iran is also aUtHorItAriAn for choosing it's leaders.

    I'm like mf, you forgot to mention how the US installed the shah and how brutal he was for over 25 years and that the imams that lead now and previously lead the student revolution to overthrow the shah are a reaction to being oppressed and having their wealth stolen by the US. It's no wonder why most Iranians don't vote. Too many bad memories and they probably feel that they have a govt that works, even though it's a theocracy.