• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    Tiktok's userbase seeming being a bunch of 14 year olds definitely doesn't help it

    Every New App starts out with a young user base. Idk how long that'll last. In ten years, will TikToks still be for teenagers or will it be populated by a bunch of Elder Millennials and GenXers, like Twitter?

    I'm more critical of the medium itself, which seems like it was designed first-and-foremost to deliver ads. And, as a result, everything on the site feels like they're trying to be ads.

    I think Tiktok comments have a character limit of 150

    I'd forgotten they even had comments. Don't think I've ever actually looked at a TikTok comment thread, but I have a sinking feeling it looks like the worst corners of YouTube.

    • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
      1 year ago

      I'd forgotten they even had comments.

      Probably a good thing, because if you think the videos are bad, the comments have some of the most braindead interactions I think I have ever seen on the internet.