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  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]M
    1 year ago

    Consider where this community was three years ago, before the Reddit ban. We were the watering hole of the "dirtbag left." The handful of us who could read were Jacobin/Current Affairs reading DSA succdems. In the time since, the world has changed profoundly. We watched Bernie 2020 get crushed, then we watched what was perhaps the most sophisticated domestic counterinsurgency campaign in US history take place to pacify and redirect the 2020 George Floyd uprising (and not to be too self-important, but we got wiped off of Reddit as a part of that). Covid happened and millions of people died. The Liberals returned to brunch.

    For the once-hopeful Bernie supporter, any latent belief that the US could be salvaged is several years in the rearview mirror at this point. All while the cold war has been escalating in lockstep with the domestic police and surveillance state. The China Bad shit just doesn't hit right. You need to have terminal Vaush-brain to find it appealing. You need to believe that, next to Russia and China, the United States is genuinely the lesser evil. That opinion is exceedingly rare here.