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  • Mindfury [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The best criticisms most people can give about China are either bullshit (the "Uyghur genocide" that neither the UN nor the majority of Muslim majority nations believe to be real, the aforementioned "debt traps" that never materialize), nirvana fallacy critiques that basically applies to every nation that actually exists in reality (like the hand-wringing over how they're only helping other nations to "curry favor"), or debate-bro wankery over how they don't actually count as socialist -- as though I'm supposed to be such a fucking crank that the label they slap on tangible achievement is supposed to me more important than the actual achievement!

    Obviously there are real criticisms of China because it's a real country that actually exists, such as their really brutally strict immigration policy that doesn't even have any allowances for refugees (that came up in the recent thread about trump wanting to deport everybody), or that they're still kinda lame on LGBT stuff (supposedly getting better from younger generations coming into influence).

    But they don't have to be perfect, they just have to be an improvement.

    This succinctly nails my main feelings.
    When the site started, I probably hummed and hawed about State Capitalism, vaguely alluded to having problems with Deng / "Dengism" and joked about them never pressing the communism button.
    After three more years of the accelerating death-cult of capitalism, my "critical support" of China has become less and less critical by the day because of the actual, tangible benefits to the working class that their system achieves while us anglos feed ourselves to the meatgrinder.

    There will always be criticisms, because there can always be improvement or advances. But at this point, shitting on China is completely unnecessary.