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  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I definitely wouldn’t say Riley is anti-USSR, I’ve been relistening to TF recently and it’s notable how many times someone will badmouth the USSR and Riley will be like “Well they did do [great achievements in reducing human suffering]”

    Alice honestly seems to think “The USSR did most of the things the west accuses them of and that’s good, actually”

    • Smeagolicious [they/them]
      1 year ago

      On WTYP, at least, there are plenty of jokes from Alice and Roz at the expense of Soviet infrastructure and planning which, to be fair, failed in some pretty dire situations (this is not particularly unusual for any massive industrializing country) - then Liam tends to jump on it and turn it into an anticommunist rant or some way to spout pro-American rhetoric