Thank you spez for freeing me of my reddit habit. Shoutout /r/neography for being the chillest hobby subreddit. I will miss looking at other people's weird ways of writing but it's for the best.

Do you have anything you'll miss from reddit?

  • moonlake [he/him]
    1 year ago

    As much as I fucking hate redditors, I think that reddit was by far the best hellsite.

    The best part of reddit is that there is a community for every hyper-specific niche hobby or interest that you have. You can subscribe only to the stuff you want to see, avoid the cesspits and have a relatively chill experience.

    I hope that Lemmy becomes big enough so that there can be a niche community for every obscure hobby like on reddit. I know that small forums existed before reddit, but having them all in one place is better because it enables them to grow and be more active.