where else would you see this but "White People Twitter". ironically this bullshit is turning me into the Joker.
how do you even get to this point?
"that drone strike is just like ace combat 6!" "that's bad vibes officer, you're being just like Red Skull" "this Hitler guy reminds me of the fella from Wolfenstein"
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14poz4d/aint_no_song_called_fck_the_fire_department/jqjvzak/
This is why the Winter Soldier "twist" is so insidious. It makes what america actually is, into a corruption. Like they acknowledge our actual crime of Operation paperclip but it ends there and becomes that the nazis influences US from within.
It is utter bullshit and grotesque. It is why now radlibs will talk about paperclip and the US sheparding nazis, but never for a second putting together that our country's success is the success of fascism, that we ARE the 4th Reich
This is why Michael S Judge's theory of WW3 is so fucking good