Sorry if this isn't the right community to post this in. The hat was found while going through my friends grandmother's possessions after her passing.

  • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    your friends grandmother mustve been a proud soviet

    донор (one with the red cross and red crescent)

    donor/blood donor

    уда́рник XII пятилетки (one in the top left)

    shock worker 7 five year plan

    ударник коммунистического труда (one in the middle right with the face of lenin)

    shock worker of communist labor

    ГВАРДИЯ (one in the top left inbetween the 5 year plan shock worker and double headed eagle)


    Отличник Советской Армии (one in the bottom left inbetween the green one and the one with the <3>)

    Student of Excellence of the Soviet Union

    ВВ МВД «За отличие в службе» (one in the bottom far right)

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union [Distinction in Service]

    пожарно технический... выставка kalinin (one in the bottom right inbetween the ministry of internal affairs and Moscow Treasures pin, with the Katyusha vehicle)

    Fire technical something, Exhibition Kalinin. Cant read the rest, probably an attendance or certification pin

    Нори́льск CNC (middle left underneath the french pin)

    Idk. Norilsk is a city in Russia