My dad used to get a 4WDing magazine, and I vaguely remember spray on mud was being advertised so you could make your car look like it had been dipping in mud puddles.
: "Oh, I could NEVER take the bus, that's for poor people!"
Also : "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to live in my subsidized McMansion and spray paint mud on my pickup truck/jeep so I can look like a poor person. Those fancy shmancy city folks are coastal elites with too much money!"
My dad used to get a 4WDing magazine, and I vaguely remember spray on mud was being advertised so you could make your car look like it had been dipping in mud puddles.
: "Oh, I could NEVER take the bus, that's for poor people!"
Also : "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to live in my subsidized McMansion and spray paint mud on my pickup truck/jeep so I can look like a poor person. Those fancy shmancy city folks are coastal elites with too much money!"