Places are starting to think minors are bad for business because they’re more likely to cause disturbances (and often hang around without spending money)

A lot of these businesses are creating curfews for unaccompanied teens after around 2/3pm on Fridays and weekends, banning them on Fridays/weekends altogether, and/or banning them in the afternoon every day of the week (although some of the bans, like at the boardwalk, are after around 8pm). Some are banning them outright.

Another article less Philly centered

"They're being unruly, violating code of conduct, which can include running through the property in large groups, fighting and putting it on TikTok, basically disrupting business and making it uncomfortable for our everyday customers”

Quote from the general manager of the oldest mall in New Jersey

  • Albanian_Lil_Pump [he/him]
    1 year ago

    ride bike to visit friends

    it’s 50 miles away

    ride on dilapidated roads with a 5 cm bike lane on a major highway

    get chased by 5 trucks trying to run me over because it’s gay to ride bikes and takes up too much space on the road

    manage to survive Mad Max: Suburbia

    finally arrive at friend’s driveway

    look at house number

    “oh shit it’s the wrong ho-“

    gets shot by homeowner for loitering