Protests are called "Day of Disruption"

Airport, highways, relevant streets and places were blocked.

Horses were used to disperse protesters, water cannons used to clear streets and a selection of protests

Protests are going on for 6+ month.

One of the goals of protesters is to stop right wing Netanjahu led coalition from weakening courts and judicative and give more power to the president (and the governing coalition). Makeup of protesters varies a bit.

"The crux of the protesters’ anger is a bill that abolishes the Supreme Court’s ability to overturn government decisions on the grounds of “reasonableness”, a standard that has been used by the court to overturn administrative rulings in a wide variety of contexts from national security issues to the approval of government appointees."

"Seeking a way around police restrictions, activists based abroad equipped Israelis headed to Israel on flights with protest gear so they could protest from inside the terminal when they landed. The activists met with travelers ahead of a number of flights headed to Israel from New York and New Jersey in the US, and from Europe.

By the evening, police said they had arrested at least 71 people throughout the country, 45 of whom had been released from custody. Officers arrested seven people at the airport for incidents of public disturbance."

"Smaller rallies took place at Israeli cities including Ness Ziona, Rehovot, Hod Hasharon, Haifa, Mevaseret Zion, Gedera, Eilat, Pardes Hanna and Herzliya, as well as at traffic junctions around the country."

The protests are part of more far reaching protests. However only a minority goes further than wanting to save democracy from the right wing.



Maki (Communist Party Israel - current representative Aida Touma-Suleiman ):

  • cynesthesia
    11 months ago

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