@autismdragon@hexbear.net has great tastes in video games and has great takes! @corgiwithalaptop@hexbear.net is the sweetest kindest person on this site and it literally would not be the same without them. not sure who pipi is over on the cytube but they alway get us the the good stuff (pirated movies!) who are some users you think are cool? lets spread the love!

  • take_five_seconds [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    i'm very partial to emizeko sorosfootsoldier and viva_la_juche, great folks

    edit: also awoo and cromalin

    edit2: and spring_rabbit for all her help on my treks thru souls games

    edit3: but honestly i love all my hexbear posters... except you. yeah you. you know who you are. fuck you.

    edit4: and how could i forget my zholot thelastaxolotl!? one of the best cops on the site, along with carcosa.