The summer before covid I was in a public park campaigning for Bernie. The vast majority of interactions we had were positive. Anyway, some chunky white Gen Xer came up to me while he was sucking down a vanilla ice cream cone and started ranting about how he was a chemist and climate change was fake. I remembered something Bill Nye said once, and asked this guy why Venus was hotter than Mercury, despite Venus being farther from the sun. (Answer: a shitload of C02 in the atmosphere.) The guy could not answer and soon left. The question clearly bothered him a great deal.

Obviously you have to take my word for all of this. I know it's also oozing with liberalism, but I mended many of my evil ways the following summer.

  • daisy
    1 year ago

    Last autumn at a family dinner. That side of my family is the most liberal bunch you'll ever meet. Nice people, but politically, economically, and historically illiterate - typical Canadian middle class. The topic of Finland's brave fight against the USSR during the Winter War came up during a Ukraine discussion. So I chimed in to remind them that in WW2, the Finnish government was run by nazis, and fighting against our Soviet allies. A very awkward silence all-around that I thoroughly enjoyed.