Jack White, of The White Stripes, was arrested early Sunday morning as authorities followed up on reports that he was playing guitar with his soft penis. Judging by the available footage, the stunt was a hit, with concertgoers calling it "avant garde" and "better than whatever he was doing with that Icky Trump s--t," with one member of the audience going so far as to say "if Meg can get away with what she's been doing the past 20 or so years, he should be able to have his d--k out".

Local authorities are holding White until bond is set on Monday.

  • Theblarglereflargle [any]
    1 year ago

    And her drumming was on par with most punk bands. People just hated because “women”

    • radiofreeval [any]
      1 year ago

      Her drumming is better than most punk bands. I'd put her in my top 10 or top 5 of all time.

      • Theblarglereflargle [any]
        1 year ago

        See unlike most people who obsessed on hating her iI can admit I don’t much about drumming so I can def see her being in the top 10 based on how much I remember the stuff she did