• InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    12 days ago

    I read the article and it was shit. It seems Biden plans two executive orders so if Trump wins - he'll kill the orders.


    • LaughingLion [any, any]
      12 days ago

      so basically biden is saying here is a process you can get started with and if trump wins you've basically told him you are illegal and he'll come for you first

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        12 days ago

        Unless I'm missing something - that seems to be a grim possible outcome. And ICE could "accidentally" leak the entire list with loads of personal info to their friendliest right-wing media outlet. Or if that was too problematic - somebody could take the mountain of data and they could leak it to the media themselves. Why not? Trump would call them a real American and a patriot and he'd tell the world that if the dems tried to prompt his DOJ or his FBI to go after them - it wouldn't matter. He's got pardon power.

        • LaughingLion [any, any]
          12 days ago

          im not even thing that backhanded literally just trump undoing the order and being like, well all these people are undocumented and no longer in any legal process to be documented so kick em out they even filled out this paperwork with their current address