anyone into pv/grind stuff? I'm big into the pv classics like infest crossed out spazz. Curious if anyone else listens to that kinda stuff. A lot of lefty lyrics and politics
anyone into pv/grind stuff? I'm big into the pv classics like infest crossed out spazz. Curious if anyone else listens to that kinda stuff. A lot of lefty lyrics and politics
Sweet! They're like the grandpas of powerviolence. Gotta love em.
Got to see them a couple years ago in new york! Traveled down from Canada
Holy shit, that must have been awesome. Never had the chance unfortunately.
Homies of mine played with them. Ever heard of sixbrewbatha? victoria BC ultimate grinders. Good dudes, good politics, vicious tunes
Never heard of em, but that sounds pretty tasty. Nice.