There's almost 0 state efforts to preserve the cultural identities of immigrants of any kind

When people celebrate "diversity" in the West, it's just eating shawarma, drinking boba, watching Anime, listening to kpop, and eating at an Ethiopian restaurant. Pure commodification and consumerism masquerading as celebration and promotion of foreign cultures

Or you'll have people fetishizing about spicy latinas, lightskins, and Asians like they're fucking Pokemon cards

  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I think the difference is that in a Dane in the United Kingdom will often be considered "British" very fast. If they can speak fluent English, then that family has "successfully" (for better or worse) assimilated. Not possible for Asian Americans. Many Americans will never accept them as "American." There are some Chinese families that have been here since the mid-19th century, and I'm 100% positive they've been yelled at by random folks to "go back to China" in the past three years. They're never allowed to assimilate, but now they've been disconnected from their roots as well. Hell of an awful place to be.

    • Vladimir_Slipknotchenko [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Example: that Chinese lady who was flying a Chinese flag while at the beach after Pearl Harbor to make sure the anti-Japanese sentiment didn’t get her harassed.

      It was CA, her family was probably there for quite some time at that point.

      • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
        1 year ago

        Yes but this is why "assimilation" is not a good thing in this instance. It's certainly not "genocide" but it's 100% not a good thing. Assimilation to burgerland is tantamount to cultural death, and often real death when your home is not your home and there's nowhere to escape to because you've been severed from any place that might take you in.

          • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
            1 year ago

            What about an emigrant who assimilates and does not teach their kids their "native" language due to the massive cultural pressure of living in the imperial core? Now those kids are stranded, unable to feel at home in the metropole, unable to return to the land of their parents, imprisoned in a place that will never accept them and cut off from anybody who would. Emigrants can return. Can second generation? Third generation, like the woman in the screengrab above? Not easily, not likely.