• mar_k [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Ok let's be real, gen x/boomers say millennials are destroying western civilization, deserve to be poor because they can't handle money, etc., what exactly do zoomers do? Make jokes about millennials wearing skinny jeans and having side parts and saying "doggo" on the internet? Why are millenials so offended over people 20 years younger than them making harmless jokes about stupid things? Gen alpha is starting to make fun of us zoomers and we don't get all offended, and banter between gens doesn't mean those gens can't get along

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      let's be real, gen x/boomers say millennials are destroying western civilization

      ruling class media pundits are saying that and very occasionally non class conscious people are repeating it. again, I don't buy into this intergenerational conflict thing and see it mostly as a divide and conquer strategy. It is wealthy and reactionary people who are saying young people are destroying the planet, not an entire generation of people. My 60 year old father has never once said this kind of shit to me because he is neither wealthy nor reactionary. In fact, he has always expressed how he feels bad for my generation and all the difficult problems we have to inherit (climate change, etc.)

      Why are millenials so offended [...]

      loaded question that buys into fake intergenerational conflict stoked by porky-happy

      Terrible way to even start a question because it presupposes an entire generation of people is a monolith and that they are all offended by some other presupposed monolith's uniform and unwavering banter

      banter between gens doesn't mean those gens can't get along


      I just view the "banter" between gens as largely a manufactured media phenomenon. People aren't organically coming up with these concepts: "Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z" These are marketing terms come up with by marketing executives. Am I really supposed to believe someone born in 1993 is a "millennial" but someone born in 1995 is a "zoomer" because they were born after some arbitrary cut off point? No. Any given two working class people, regardless of age, will likely share class interests with each other.

      • Fuckass
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          You guys act like “generational conflict” is something young people actually care about deeply and not just because it’s funny to make fun of something weird. If anything, it’s mainly millennials shitting on each other for being “snowflakes” since 2015.

          In one breath you say this stuff is "just a joke," and in the next breath you say [entire generation is doing X since year XXXX]. Who are "you guys"? Why are you simultaneously buying into intergenerational conflict while pretending it's just harmless banter? I have never done the "snowflake" bullshit and don't intend to start. Actually talk to me and not some preconceived notion.

          Maybe I’m not terminally online enough, or perhaps it’s because I have adblockers,

          I'm happy for you. I have adblockers too. I don't think of this discussion as a contest about who's online less. I don't think you do either. I'm sure we both have urgent responsibilities outside of posting.

          but I have no idea what “marketing” you’re referring to. Juuls only being for 15 year olds Or some shit? I have no doubt they’re scheming, but I don’t know any zoomers who bought shit or believed in a movement because it made them feel younger = superior. They usually just buy stuff because it’s shiny and new or nostalgic

          The demographics themselves are marketing. Going around thinking of people as "zoomers" or "boomers" or "millenials" or "gen X" is all marketing nonsense. Why is someone born in 1993 a "millenial" and someone born in 1995 a "zoomer"? What warrants that kind of segregation? I see it as a divide and conquer strategy. Let me give a concrete example, my mom, who didn't raise me, and is trying to reconnect with me in my 30s, is constantly sending me memes that she thinks are about me, because I'm a "millennial" in her mind, and she thinks she can understand me by sending me "relatable" "millennial" memes, but they seem to me reductive, astroturfed, and a shortcut to really understanding people by generalizing them with everyone else who was born at the same time. They're social constructs. I ask her questions about her instead of sending her "gen x" memes.

          Luckily the average worker wants to be comfortable and won’t just dismiss your suggestions just because of your age or some dumb shit like “ok boomer.”

          Wouldn't have suggested otherwise. Look. The context of the conversation was I was responding to someone who, at least it seemed to me, bought into some weird marketing demographics astrology, and confusing what pundits say for what entire generations of people actually think. That's all. If an article written by some bourgeois boomer says "gen y and gen z are ruining the housing market", it doesn't mean "boomers think gen y and gen z are ruining the housing market." it really means "the old bourgeoisie think the young working class are ruining the housing market". It's a class scapegoating and a divide and conquer strategy. I don't think there's much actual utility in buying into these random astrological demarcations that were dreamed up by marketing scumbags.

          But if you refuse to organize with someone or communicate someone over some benign shit like “haha millennials record themselves in a funny way” then I don’t know what to tell you chief.

          Who is this statement intended for? Neither myself nor anyone in this thread has said that they "refuse to organize with someone or communicate someone over some benign shit"

          I only see millennials always complaining about “being too old” for some zoomer trend, and not the other way around.

          Huh how is that a generational thing? Everyone complains about getting old once it actually starts to happen to them lmfao. Getting old is painful. Your neuroplasticity decreases. Your muscles, nerves, and bones fail you. Your eyesight and hearing fades. Your chances of cancer, autoimmune disorders, and rheumatism increase. That is a universal of the human condition. Nothing can save you from it.

      • Nagarjuna [he/him]
        1 year ago

        When you comb your hair so that there's a line running down one side. Like this

        It's a funny thing to complain about for the generation that brought back the perm.