that's all

    • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
      10 days ago

      under that circumstance i'd be pleased to regard him as the host with the most

  • Angel [any]
    10 days ago

    More like LIBBY Fallon amirite!?!? 🔥🔥🔥 100-com

  • CarbonConscious [he/him]
    10 days ago

    Yeah I can't really stand the guy, haven't really like him since anything after "Snowball Fight", but I gotta admit his late night show is easily the best out of any of them right now. Notwithstanding of course previous goats like Conan (or Ferguson a little).

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      10 days ago

      Ferguson’s run at the Late Late Show is massively underrated. He was exploring territory with the late talk show format that no one else was touching. Punchlines weren’t just punchlines, they were comedic motifs that him and co-host “Geoff Peterson” (voiced by Josh Thompson) would play off each other like two jazz musicians evolving a melody into something far beyond the original setup.

      Seriously, for anyone who hasn’t seen it, find some old clips from the show, it’s worth your time.

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    10 days ago

    He hosts The Tonight Show for no other reason than he is a loyal disciple of Lorne Michaels. Conan tried to do things his own way without hitching his star to Lorne and didn't have any backup when NBC and Jay Leno came back to steal back his timeslot.

    Now Jimmy is the host and Lorne produces late night TV on NBC six nights a week including SNL and Late Night with Seth Meyers.