I know it's not actually a real thing because I'd never seen the phrase more than a month ago and it's getting thrown around as the new insult du jour but what is it supposed to mean?

  • TheGamingLuddite [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    It's an almost identical reassertion of Larouchite ideology. Capitalism presents us with two primary codependent cultural expressions corresponding to urban finance capital and rural "productive" capital. The friction caused by these interconnected cultural affects is the root cause of America's culture war.

    Marxists generally understand that both of these expressions are not only fundamentally flawed, but inherently interconnected. "Patsocs" staunchly, overtly and obnoxiously side on every issue with the landed capitalists.

    They advocate for socialism only after redefining it completely (like a certain prior brand of "National" Socialists). They believe that a worker is defined not by relation to capital, but by relation to the cultural affect of landed capital. To them, a truck driver who owns their truck, a factory wage worker, and a factory owner are all workers despite their wildly differing relationships to property. Baristas according to them are not, because they are urban and live in proximity to finance capital. They insist this loudly and at all opportunities. They have their own party line they insist on pushing above and to the exclusion of all others. Once you are bought in to this ideology, you have become an agent provocateur. You insist on absurdities and derail every conversation you can. You exist to discredit Marxists. You'll wave around a hammer and sickle and deny the holocaust, not knowing you're doing the bidding of the FBI.

    Look at their ridiculous gatherings on youtube where a handful of 40 something pickup artists blankly stare at a giant 'Z' flag around a big plastic bust of Abraham Lincoln while the USSR Anthem plays. It's a COINTELPRO victory lap, an allocation of a couple of thousand of extra tax dollars dreamt up at Langley for a chuckle and lapped up by terrified libs who willingly mistake them for genuine Marxists.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      11 months ago

      COINTELPRO victory lap, I'm gonna use that haha