Trying to keep my reasoning succinct in order to avoid writing a wall of text:

The soviets were geographically blocked from this being an option

Similarly for Vietnam for different reasons

Cuba doesn’t have the option of dedicating the requisite amount resources(and has the misfortune of being an island next to the most powerful current naval power)

China has the geography to become a great naval power. Sure, it doesn’t have both coasts. It has land connections that led to the Silk Road being a thing on the other, possibly a greater advantage.

They are building up militarily, and seem to be advancing commercial maritime pursuits on this well.


  • Vladimir_Slipknotchenko [he/him, comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    thoseare some cool points of context to keep in mind, thanks. Also very drunk lol.

    It is probably important to keep in mind that they are twoi very different navies. China's navy is great for self-defense purposes, but also not good for power projection. Difference in priorities. I think a good sign of "if china ever decides to spread revolution" is to watch the navy.

    • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]M
      11 months ago

      good point! it appears their goal rn isnt to spread revolution (yet) but to be able to win a war of western aggression. their operations could feasibly extend to the outer edge of Oceania, giving them plenty of buffer when the west inevitably starts their final war. and China’s type 004 aircraft carrier currently in production is about the size of amerikan supercarriers but will potentially carry more aircrafts. ik i said smaller ships are better in modern war but this is the one exception. sure, carriers arent near as important as they were in ww2 but they are still necessary for a modern navy. imo aircraft carriers are the ww2 battleships of the 21st century— when ww2 started the great power militaries quickly discovered their battleships werent near as important as they were in ww1 due to advances in aviation. modern advances in drones, hypersonic missiles, and submarines could mean these carriers play a background/support role in ww3