He was talking to two dudes who liked like tire mechanics. I saw him right when I was entering the building so I didn't really get a chance to check it out. Idk if it was a shirt for an org or what, as far away as I was it may have been an anti-communist shirt for all I know. I was hoping I'd see him again when I left but sadly he was gone.

Anyway I just thought that was weird.

  • Hotspur@lemmy.ml
    9 天前

    I have a semi-joke that Costco is the closest thing the American middle class gets to communism.

    • SuperZutsuki [they/them, any]
      9 天前

      Get rid of the parking lot and build apartments over medical facilities, schools, restaurants, entertainment, post office, etc and you've got a fully functional town.

      • Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 天前

        theyre going to do that in LA in order to get the city to not stop them from building it, theres like 400 single bedroom apartments above the costco