He was talking to two dudes who liked like tire mechanics. I saw him right when I was entering the building so I didn't really get a chance to check it out. Idk if it was a shirt for an org or what, as far away as I was it may have been an anti-communist shirt for all I know. I was hoping I'd see him again when I left but sadly he was gone.

Anyway I just thought that was weird.

  • Nakoichi [he/him]M
    7 days ago

    There's a dude that shops at the store I work at who has a hammer and sickle and star like the soviet flag tattooed behind his ear. When I asked him about it he told me that his father was actually a member of the communist party in soviet Russia. He looked like your average oldhead california skater dude with a shaved head and a bunch of other tattoos but turns out he's a comrade.

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      7 days ago

      So I used to work in a store that was across the street from this parking lot where they had a weekly farmers market. This weirdo Trot group was always there trying to aggressively sell people newspapers, median age was like 55 if I had to guess.

      Anyway I was a bit more public about my beliefs back then and I guess word got to one of them that I was the shop commie and he ends up inviting me to these "revolutionary" dinner parties he has. I went as a bit.

      Dude was a fucking hoarder, there was like two other people there, again both in their 50s at least, and all he served was oven baked pizza. Also he showed off his art which was all like "I am 14 and this is deep" trash collage with really blunt political messaging. Like one was a pairing of Donald Trump with his head framed in an actual toilet seat bolted to the canvas. Used toilet seat mind you.

      Anyway I didn't end up joining his trot group but I did bump into him one more time during a BLM protest where he was trying to aggressively sell news papers and he got into an argument with some PSL guy.

      I kinda went a bit grill pill after this period in my life.

      • Esoteir [he/him]
        7 days ago

        one was a pairing of Donald Trump with his head framed in an actual toilet seat bolted to the canvas

        holy shit he invented skibidi toilet

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        7 days ago

        Dude was a fucking hoarder, there was like two other people there, again both in their 50s at least, and all he served was oven baked pizza. Also he showed off his art which was all like "I am 14 and this is deep" trash collage with really blunt political messaging. Like one was a pairing of Donald Trump with his head framed in an actual toilet seat bolted to the canvas. Used toilet seat mind you.

        I'd watch that movie.

  • Hotspur@lemmy.ml
    7 days ago

    I have a semi-joke that Costco is the closest thing the American middle class gets to communism.

    • SuperZutsuki [they/them, any]
      6 days ago

      Get rid of the parking lot and build apartments over medical facilities, schools, restaurants, entertainment, post office, etc and you've got a fully functional town.

      • Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 days ago

        theyre going to do that in LA in order to get the city to not stop them from building it, theres like 400 single bedroom apartments above the costco

  • Angel [any]
    7 days ago

    I know; I was one of the tire mechanic looking dudes.

  • SchillMenaker [he/him]
    6 days ago

    Imagining the collective Hexbear horror when OP reveals that the guy he saw was in his 30's.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    7 days ago

    if it was black I was going to guess it was this deprogram shirt


    • radiofreeval [any]
      7 days ago

      Cool design but a 40 dollar t shirt is bourgeoisie decadence

      • ikilledtheradiostar [comrade/them, love/loves]
        7 days ago

        If its made to order in a union shop, shirt too, then 40 bucks is probably what it costs with some proceeds going to podcast and probably artist .

        Most things are cheap now BC of massive exploitation. As multi polarity increases expect most things to become more inline with this shirt.

        • bumpusoot [none/use name]
          6 days ago

          That might be true if the shirts were made to order in union shops with vaguely fair profit sharing. There's nothing I can see to indicate that's the case here, though, just bourgeois decadence.

          • Chronicon [they/them]
            6 days ago

            bourgeois decadence is when branded merch? communism is when you only dress in the cheapest possible clothing?

            I have some hesitance about it too, but admittedly it wouldn't be non-exploitative even if this happened in a union shop with great profit sharing. The raw materials and t-shirt blanks would likely be another story, and so would the delivery and payment processing, and union shops aren't exactly revolutionary even if they tend to be better for workers.

            I can see the argument that its more important to build up a communist media apparatus (and this requires money) than to refuse to make money by not selling anything because of ethical concerns that are basically impossible to fully address.

            • bumpusoot [none/use name]
              6 days ago

              Sorry, I clearly didn't deliver it well, but the "bourgeois decadence" was honestly just a joke. I agree with all thata you said.

              • Chronicon [they/them]
                6 days ago

                ur good i just have no sense of humor sometimes and when im unsure I seriouspost