"Those damn commies ruined my vacation" Said Samantha Beachem, an American that visited Stonehenge for the summer solstice.
My dad is like this. He doesn't give a shit about climate change because he's going to be dead soon and he's such a misanthrope that he hates humanity and thinks extinction is a good thing.
Yeah nihilism isn't a great way to react. It's very selfish to want humanity to end just because you're not going to be here anymore. It's almost like they forget kids exists or they know they exists and just hate them because they're eventually going to make being alive better as each generation passes.
The generation of hate. I can't think a better way to describe boomers.
I tried to have a very surface level political discussion with my mom when we were celebrating Father’s Day and she ended up comparing modern China to Nazi Germany.
Love to know her reasoning behind such a brain melting take.
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The way their military marches apparently reminded her of goose stepping, and that’s all it takes for the comparison
ShowOf course, we march slightly differently, in the correct non-fascist manner
Holy shit, how much of a scumbag can one be to tell one’s kid they swear to pollute as much as possible because “YOLO”, and that they hope their kid suffers quite literally for their pleasure.
BTW, what’s it like being the child of the Titular protagonist of Hatred, Not Important?
I'm a recovering alcoholic with mental problems, if that's any indication of how I was raised.
NO it's not they are protesting wrong! -Every white liberal probably
See, all the people saying "JustStopOil is an op", they at least help us add a few more names to the list every time they spray paint something.
You missed the BLM protester saying that they're protesting the wrong way 🙄
the other day, @Awoo@hexbear.net pointed out that Just Stop Oil are likely doing this to attract investment for various companies they run
Just Stop Oil is an advertisement for investors.
Their process is attention grabbing high exposure protest that is then used as a form of advertising and "this is our impact" to philanthropy investors. It's essentially a business. Some notes I took in a chat when doing research with a friend:
Trevor Neilson, alongside Rory Kennedy and Aileen Getty are founders of the CEF (Climate Emergency Fund)
Trevor Neilson is a director of Wastefuels limited with Aileen Getty and Nick Hurd mp
Trevor Neilson is a co-founder of I (x) Net zero, Nick Hurd is a chairman of the board
It's basically a net zero hedge fund.
Trevor Neilson has also worked for the Bill & Melinda gates foundation and Princes Charitable trust, so he's got real experience in the Philanthrocapitalism industry
Wastefuels ltd is a Berkshire Hathaway startup that's partnered with Maersk shipping to develop waste to fuel energy
In short. They fund the protest action as a form of investment that generates interest in their zero carbon companies. Advertisement. They then get investment in their zero carbon companies and have a financial incentive to generate the most buzzy hypey protest stuff possible, not because it's effective but because it has the highest advertising impact for them - providing something that attracts and sells to investors about how effective they are at generating attention.
tl;dr - they're profiting off of climate activism
Who knows, maybe something useful will come from their startups, but they are not spraying cornstarch on Stonehenge because they think it will persuade anyone