I mean stuff like Meta, crypto and all that obvious scam shit that rich people seem to be diving dick first into lately.

Zuck supposedly spent BILLIONS on Meta, and when you look at the result, yeah, it's clear that the money wasn't being spent on the actual product. So where did that money really go?

Or are billionaires just really that bad with money and ideas?

brace-watching Something is sus about just how stupid with their money they've become. I mean, they were always stupid, but when you have that much money and power you have to be a special kind of inept to do what Zuck and Musk have been doing to their companies.

  • heartheartbreak [fae/faer]
    1 year ago

    This is actually part of Marxism. It's the part of production referred to as "Luxury Commodities" as opposed to "Staple Commodities". There are also two types of capitalists as well luxury commodity capitalists and staple commodity capitalists. The larger share of the overall value produced by society that goes towards luxury commodities the lower the standards of living for the people are. Simultaneously the more overall value produced by society that goes into staple goods increases the quality of life for the masses. This is why communists should fight for things like minimum wage increases because it will increase the demand / production of staple commodities and therefore increasing the quality of life for people who do not buy yachts. Paul cockshott has a pretty good lecture on this in his channel, probably titled something to do with inflation.

    • heartheartbreak [fae/faer]
      1 year ago

      Paul cockshott is a moron terf island homophobe when it comes to anything beyond economics, but his economics lectures are solid