For fucking years both the Repubs and Democrats have been aware of the science behind Climate Change. They know, their donors know, the military industrial complex knows, the information has been out there.

And both parties have had the opportunity to just blast the airwaves with constant propaganda for years priming people to be shitting their pants in fear over the climate, and they haven't.

They could have been dragging the most dewy eyed, trembling elderly farmers in front of cameras every week and have these sad old Classic Americana™ white men sobbing as they talk about how scared they are of crop failures and famines. They could have been showing piles of dead fish and animals against the backdrop of classic American landmarks. They could have done medical featurettes about how wet bulb temperatures would easily kill people (especially cute old grannies and children!) in the south eastern US.

And they could have kept doing this, all the time, week after week, the most dire doom and gloom predictions and warnings, whatever it would possibly take to start warming the chuds up to the need to make infrastructure changes in the US. Until people come to them demanding big structural changes.

And they haven't. They haven't done it. They still aren't doing it.

They're really going to run the clock out on this until they die of old age or they can all go to their defensive bunkers while everyone else dies of famine and war.

They're not even going to try stopping it. They're not even going to try proposing any Big Changes that could make a difference, because they know the majority US population would never agree to it. They're just going to keep promising miracle tech and gun down refugees at the border until they can sneak off stage while no one is looking.

They won't even paint the fucking roofs white, man.

  • chickentendrils [any, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Yeah there's no reason to address it from the ruling class' POV. They created the professional class, segregated them in suburbia/more recently gentrified urban areas, and are intending to prop them up just long enough to get the war machines and surveillance technology automated. Their calculus is that automated technological supremacy will allow them to go to space or at worst hole up in some bunker while the rest of us destroy ourselves. We'll see what really happens, obviously the ecosystem will never be the same but I do think people catch on and this outcome doesn't happen before the US just goes full Fourth Reich to keep the project hobbling along and we get a world war.