i go over an ask it

"have you seen jim" :blob-help:

and it just says "who" :owl-pissed:

"jim the tall fella, usually wears socks and sandals" :blocky-wat:

and again the fucker just goes "who" :owl-pissed:

i keep asking but it just goes fucking "who :bird-screm-2:" and im starting to think the fucker is not actually deaf but is fucking with me instead :jokerfication:

i seriously am about to commit a thing over here if it asks "who" one more fucking time :joker-troll:

          • isame [he/him]
            8 days ago

            I love that, just from existing on the internet, I've picked up enough of a few languages to basically read headlines sometimes. Polish, however, continues to be a language I can identify instantaneously but can understand none of.

            • CloutAtlas [he/him]
              8 days ago

              I thought the same. "Hey, I can kinda read this language when I'm drunk! Cool!" And it turns out it was just Dutch.

              Reading a Japanese sign with enough Kanji in it is possible as a Chinese person, though

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    8 days ago

    Yeah birds can be real assholes. I had something like that happen to me too.

    I was just chilling at my place, about to go to sleep for the night, when I hear someone tapping, gently rapping, rapping on my door and I open up and it's this fucking corvid. I asked what his name was and he was like, "Nevermore," so I was like, "Alright Nevermore, how about you just leave me alone so I can sleep?" and he said, "Nevermore" so I was like, "Alright fine if you're gonna stay will you at least help me get over my ex?" and again this asshole's just like, "Nevermore," but I'm like, "No but really, do you think I'm ever gonna get over her?" and again just, "Nevermore." So at this point I'm getting kinda pissed so I'm like, "Alright, how about you just fuck off already, prick?" and guess what this fucking bird says, "Nevermore."

    So now this raven's just sitting, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting on the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door, like a complete asshole. And I'm about to call animal control, because seriously fuck this fucking bird.