• MiDaBa@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I saw an earlier post that showed Lemmy's recent rapid growth followed by a plateau and then slight decline. My feeling is that there is a very LOUD minority of Lemmy users that are trying to act as self-anointed gatekeepers and they're bringing the platform down as a direct consequence. It makes the platform look petty and small to new and existing users alike. If the top posts are continually about shaming other users then this platform isn't going to last. Let's focus on building communities and having interesting conversations rather than one upping each other.

    • JackbyDev@programming.dev
      11 months ago

      When Sync lauched it was all anyone was talking about. I don't see the memes for and against Sync as people actually upset I just think it is the meta topic of the week. Like when beans were a meme following the "how can I not poop for three days?"

      • GFGJewbacca@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I just wanted to tell you how happy I was to see the Netscape logo as your icon. Brought me back to the old days of the internet.

        • JackbyDev@programming.dev
          11 months ago

          Thanks, I'm glad it made you happy. I love how it manages to get so much detail despite being so low resolution.

      • cinda@feddit.uk
        11 months ago

        that may or may not be the case, but the reality of the situation is that it makes the whole foss community look a whole lot more off putting

    • Cjwii@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      They spent a month shitting on reddit now there's something new to shit on

  • Zetta@mander.xyz
    11 months ago

    It's more like one dev made the best user experience on lemmy, so people give him money. At least that's the case for me.

    • Scrithwire@lemmy.one
      11 months ago

      Same. Dedicated sync for reddit user, now that sync for reddit is dead, I'll follow the sync dev and support him with my Dollars

  • spookedbyroaches@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Why would people do this? We want the hughest amount of users we can, and for most people to believe in FOSS or even copyleft philosophy, but this just pushes people away. Just use whatever app you like best and maybe donate to incentivize the app you believe in. But to just relenlessly mock non-FOSS apps only hurts the community and doesn't foster growth.

  • coehl@programming.dev
    11 months ago

    Willing to bet the lemmy platform is more likely to get support from the type of person that would also pay for an app like sync than it is to get money from people that like to grandstand like OP.

      • coehl@programming.dev
        11 months ago

        Haven't paid for any clients yet.

        I'm a developer and it hits close to home when people try to tell you that your skills should never sustain your family.

  • Roundcat@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    Leave reddit cause you can't use your preferred app anymore. Come to Lemmy, and get beat over the head for your choice of preferred app.

  • drdalek13@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I used Sync Pro for Reddit (RIP) and loved it, that being said, reddit was full of ads.

    Lemmy is not by design, therefore I am sticking with Connect. (Let me know if there is something better, that isn't Sync!)

    • frippa@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      A proprietary app that earns ad money from a FOSS project

      Also if you have ads you have Google trackers, if you have Google trackers you have tomfoolery going on (Spyware)

  • Psythik@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Sync isn't even good. I hate how you have to tap on "exactly" the right spot on a post to see the comments. Drives me insane.

    In the meantime I've been alternating between Infinity and Voyager (the APK version). Neither are perfect but at least navigation isn't as finicky. I miss Relay.

  • bunkyprewster@startrek.website
    11 months ago

    I've been a long time Sync user and paid for everything he asked when it was Reddit. I'm $5 a month for my instance - startrek.website.

    Haven't yet kicked in for Lemmy Sync. I feel good about sending some cash to the dev, but don't love subscriptions and the lifetime payment of $100 is a little too rich for me.

  • ZarbtheBard@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    lmao are you for real, if you don't like it just use one of the other apps or just use it and don't pay for it all of this complaining about it is just pathetic