• ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
    7 days ago

    I don't think reflexes decline, or speed. Fucking thirty year old Starcraft pros can and do remain top level despite their relative age, and we really don't see APM decline that much.

    I think it's more that young players can bring a new way of viewing a game to the forefront that is more effective than the old way, and the true test of a pro is whether they can adapt to a changing meta or if they'll cling to the old ways until their entire playstyle is unviable at the top level.

    This goes doubly true for games that are receiving regular patches, since the meta is shifting much more frequently. People who get good at the current meta will rise to the top, but if they're inflexible they'll be selected out once their playstyle is no longer top tier.

    (as for non-pros, people over 25 probably are worse at playing games, but it's because they have more responsibilities that reduce their practice time.)