So... new here, migrated from r/dndmemes which apparently imploded?

I was trying to post this episode there as I always have since the start of the series, but it turns out it's all on mod approval now and my post has been in limbo forever.

I was told a lot of the users migrated here so...

Hear ye, hear ye!

Tales From the Tables Episode 30: "So where were we?" is now live!

First of all let me apologize that we didn't continue with Redwen's backstory this month. That's coming, I promise! It's just that because of... family things and overseas travel, I wouldn't have been able to do it justice this month. But you get the long awaited info page for the ForeverDM himself! So I hope you can forgive me 😥

You can always find the whole series on Tapas or Webtoon :)

    11 months ago

    Welcome to Lemmy! It’s certainly different from reddit and it’s a fair bit smaller at the moment but glad to see your content again!

      11 months ago

      I certainly don't intend to stop. It's just that for whatever bloody reason all the social platforms keep suiciding from under my feet XD

    11 months ago

    For some reason only Vegetable_variety is able to post on r/DnDmemes. It's weird, but people have been sending memes on to be posted so it kinda works

          11 months ago

          It certainly was painful to see. Used to love sharing memes on my party’s shenanigans but seems Reddit isn’t the place for it anymore

          11 months ago

          I’ve worked with several large volunteer groups, and it’s hard to top the anger of people who built something free and someone walks in and says “that’s mine.”

        11 months ago

        DnD is actually how I got into drawing in the first place!

        When starting out with art, the three most important things you need to develop are:

        1. Ideas for things to draw
        2. Drawing regularly (as frequently as possible ideally)
        3. Getting some critical feedback for where to improve.

        Tabletop is an excellent vehicle for delivering all of this, because each session you do some new things, often quite visually interesting things. This gives you an ever-growing bank of dynamic ideas to draw, as well as several other invested people to look at your art and give you feedback :)

    11 months ago

    Happy to see you here, I think your stories have been quite influential on my next character and I presumed I'd have seen the last of you at the beginning of July when I stopped being able to use Reddit due to prefering mediums without ads.

  • Fonzie!
    11 months ago

    Is it just me, my server (, my client (Jerboa) or is this image so compressed it's almost impossible to read?

      11 months ago

      I just double and triple checked everything, the file is huge and crystal clear. Just enlarge it to full size. It takes a couple clicks.

      11 months ago

      I get a similar issue with all images using Connect. I get around it by using the "open external" option to open the image on Chrome.

      Hopefully both our apps will support image zoom soon.

        11 months ago

        I'm using connect as well and can zoom in big enough to have a letter fill the entire screen while still being crisp. Granted my phone doesn't have the biggest screen, but still, image quality seems to be fine for me.