I need to throw some more supplies in my bleed stop kits. I have the basics for big stuff, but should add some closures/zip stitches for bad cuts and lacerations.
Word. My med kits are all built around serious bleeds - tourniquet, icb, clotting sponge, then work downwards in order of lethality. Which is great in an emergency, but frustrating when i realize i forgot to add basic bandaids again.
I need to throw some more supplies in my bleed stop kits. I have the basics for big stuff, but should add some closures/zip stitches for bad cuts and lacerations.
Word. My med kits are all built around serious bleeds - tourniquet, icb, clotting sponge, then work downwards in order of lethality. Which is great in an emergency, but frustrating when i realize i forgot to add basic bandaids again.