• DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    3 days ago

    I swear, white people made that shit up just so they can mental masturbate about the idea of other humans viewing them as literal gods.

    I have never met a single person from anywhere in Asia do that while in college, and the university I went to is pretty popular for international students.

    • coolusername@lemmy.ml
      3 days ago

      Maybe if you go to tourist sites in China and it was 15 years ago? Considering tourist sites are visited by people from the countrysides

    • Inui [comrade/them]@lemmy.ml
      2 days ago

      As an average looking mayo, I had tons of people asking to take my picture in the middle of Xi'an around 2016. I wasn't there as a tourist though so we weren't anywhere near the terracotta army or anything and were probably the only non-Chinese people to be at the rural temples and stuff we were visiting. I thought one guy was asking me to take his picture in front of a big mural, but he pulled me in for a selfie instead. I don't think it was like "omg a white person" though as much as "omg a foreigner in my part of town". If they weren't so racist, someone in rural Arkansas (or wherever) would probably get excited about a Chinese person in their town just because its a rare circumstance.