Saw this comment on the commie side of TikTok. My gut tells me this is ultraleft bs, but perhaps my fellow hexbears can educate me on this discussion which I’m sure is not new.

I don’t see how a poor American on food stamps is responsible, even though a systematic analysis reveals that international superexploitation is a thing.

The American proletariat can and should organize in any case. I don’t see how Americans can build any sort of socialist movement if any organization at all is accused of being hypocritical.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 months ago

    Nah. We should try to improve things here, too. For one, idk what else we can really do to help. For two, if nothing else western leftists can offer meager support to third worldists. For three, maybe we can jam up the gears in some minor way. If nothing else the feds have to devote resources to spying on us that they could use elsewhere. For four, I think there is some degree of morale value for folks around the world knowing that there are people in the core who know how fucked up this is and are trying to stop it. For five - Look at the attempts to close US ports over the last few years. If we can build up the unions and breadpill them then organized labor actions can actually help our comrades in other parts of the world. Shutting down shipments of war materiel to US Allies can fuck up their plans and introduce uncertainty. Six; Class traitors are really useful. Commies with experience operating within western business, technological, and military milieus are very handy to have around. Folks who know how the machine works from the inside have helpful insights on how to sabotage that machinery. Seven; It doesn't seem like the imperial core is going to stay the imperial core forever. America's hegemony is imperiled, Europe could collapse depending on what happens in the next few years, Australia's likely going to become mostly uninhabitable. Between emerging multipolarity and the planetary destruction being wrought by climate change we can't make assumptions about where struggle will be happening over the course of the 21st century. I've said before; I think we seriously need to look in to anarchist dual-power theory, because I think that western nation states are going to rapidly and severely destabilize as global warming gets worse and worse. When that happens the math is going to look very different and the imperial core/third world paradigm may change drastically, and we should have whatever organization we can in place to exploit that.

    Also, like, saying that fast food workers are labor aristocrats is just silly way too online shit. Yeah, in some theoretical sense the people working three jobs to barely be able to afford rent are beneficiaries of imperialist exploitation. Saying that's a reason not to try to organize effective political action in the core is about as sensible and useful as saying you're not going to eat food because something something exploitation.

    Like I think the third worldists are right; Significant revolutionary action is not going to come from the core as it currently exists. But we should still do what we can, organize where we can, help out where we can. Those of us in the core can only really exert any influence within the core, and we have to work with the conditions we find ourselves in. Plus, we simply cannot know when the right people in the right place at the right time will be important. We should exploit every advantage we can get, build up capacity wherever we can, because we do not know what will prove to be critical.