• pooh [she/her, any]
    2 days ago

    Meanwhile, actual medical professionals: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/whats-wrong-criminalizing-gender-affirming-care-transgender-adolescents/2023-06

    These laws are poor public policy, as they create a significant conflict between physicians’ adherence to the law and adherence to their professional code of ethics and civil law tort duty not to commit medical malpractice. The traditional standard of care with regard to medical malpractice requires that “medical care for a given patient and health care provider is the quality of care that would be provided to any patient in a similar clinical situation, by the average provider in a similar location.”30 In some specific cases, adolescent GAC treatment, including surgery, may be necessary in order for a physician to practice in line with the legal standard of care (thus avoiding malpractice) and also to satisfy their professional ethical duty to offer safe and effective medical care that promotes the patient’s well-being.31

    As Kraschel et al explain: “these statutes would transform their [physicians’] fiduciary duty into a criminal act.”10 Similarly, Lepore et al argue that the laws are untenable, as they “require that health care workers act against current evidence-based guidelines” such that they are legally mandated to violate their duty to “do no harm.”32 The same tension between professional and legal obligations is observed in new abortion laws being enforced post-Roe v Wade, wherein the professional ethical duties of physicians are put in direct conflict with criminal law, forcing physicians to choose between upholding their ethical duties or violating the law.33 Hence, these new laws prohibiting GAC treatment for minors (including gender-affirming surgery) center on the government’s unwillingness to let the medical profession self-regulate—via oversight from state medical boards—or allow civil tort law to regulate physician practice as it does in most other cases.

    Criminalizing gender affirming care for minors, including surgery, is both outside the mainstream opinion of medical professionals, as well as extremely wrong from a moral and ethical standpoint. Those in the thread trying to argue that Biden is adopting a "moderate" position with this couldn't be further from the truth. His stance is harmful and extreme.

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 days ago

    this thread has such a different vibe on hexbear than on lemmy. im declaring hunting season on transphobes, folks pavlichenko

  • fiercekitten@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    Do not trust anything the New York Times writes about trans people. Please go verify everything from other sources.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        2 days ago

        They have a journalistic responsibility to include relevant information and seek comment from relevant groups. The article doesn't include any comment from healthcare professionals or advocacy groups, nor does it contain any information about potential consequences of the surgeries being banned. It fails to actually inform the public on the issue at hand, and the auxiliary information that is brought up just puts the medical procedure into question by positing it as controversial (yeah, controversial because of transphobes) and questionable. Presenting only a limited section of the issue, but making it seem like it encompasses its entirety, makes this article functionally the same as transphobic propaganda.

    • FreudianCafe@lemmy.ml
      2 days ago

      Children Teenagers Adults Elders Black Hispanic Latinos Muslims Jews Russians *nistan people Iraqis Mexicans Iranians Homeless Refugees Addicts Poor people Disabled people And so on

  • D61 [any]
    2 days ago

    The draft guidelines would have lowered the age minimums to 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies. The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

    The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

    The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

    Makes sense, a 6 year old won't have boobs to mastectomy and any adult trying to get a 6 year old a breast enhancement needs to be [redacted], pretty much all of medical science advocates against surgeries of this nature before a body is fully grown unless there something really REALLY serious to modify the risk assessment so having some legislative ban is just fucking ridiculous, facial surgeries are given to literal babies with cleft pallets, and puberty blockers aren't the same thing as E or T.

    A two-page explainer on gender-affirming care that is frequently cited by federal officials stated that gender-affirming surgeries were “typically used in adulthood or case-by-case in adolescence,” leaving the door open to surgery for minors in some instances.

    No shit, its all going to be case by fucking case. Transgender people aren't a fucking monolith, there won't be a one size fits all treatment that works for every transgender person. That's the whole fucking point of a person going to seek medical professionals in the first place, to figure their shit out with the professionals whose whole job is to have a good idea what can/needs to be done.

    That's the whole problem of any type of legislation making a barrier between a patient and the whole of a nations medical system. You either make the rule because you're a bigot politican, or you make the rule because you're an ignorant politician. There is no third option

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    3 days ago

    Another boneheaded triangulation move from Biden. Stop giving ground to the enemy. All they do is use your compromise as a starting point to force further compromise. Give them nothing.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        2 days ago

        No Republican had to give anything up to achieve this, this is literally just the Democrats doing exactly what they want to do because they want to do it.

    • doubtingtammy@lemmy.ml
      2 days ago

      I wish they'd just be honest about the triangulation. "due to the political climate, we will not be following the best practices as recommended by the relevant experts"

      I fear this is the start of the Democrats becoming like UK's labour. I won't be surprised if Levine is forced out of her position before the election, based on how the New York Terfs are centering her in this story. Until now, the NYT has mostly just focused on parents "concerns". But now they're setting their sights on the institutions that trans people rely on. Like the UK media did with Tavistock

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        2 days ago

        The moderate position between medical science and ideology is still nonsense.

        Puberty is life altering. My body was permanently changed by testosterone in ways that I can never fix and now I have to live the rest of my life with those scars.

        Trust doctors.

      • Azarova [they/them]
        2 days ago

        life altering drugs

        Puberty blockers are not life altering drugs and have been used on cis children for decades with no issues being raised about it, let alone of this scale. Any stance other than this, one based in actual reality, is caving to right wing framing of the issue.

        permanent surgeries

        So exceedingly rare among trans children that it's not worth talking about. Trans children rarely get access to puberty blockers, let alone surgeries. Editing to add: Most surgeries are done to reverse the effects of a wrong puberty. If trans kids got the blockers/HRT they needed, they wouldn't have a need to undergo surgery, except for maybe GRS, which is not a universal desire among trans people.

        until they are adults that can make those decisions

        This is also caving to right wing rhetoric on the issue. Trans children are not walking into gender clinics and saying "One gender-affirming surgery, please :)", this process typically involves multiple doctors, usually a therapist of some kind, and obviously the kid's parent(s)/guardian(s). Just like the abortion issue, it should stay that way and be free of state intervention, because to say otherwise would be to contradict the overwhelming majority of medical evidence from the past several decades that indicate that transition leads to the best outcomes for trans people.

        I want to be able to tell them that the trans issue is being used to divide us and get people to vote against their economic interests.

        As Outdoor_Catgirl said, this issue is not a fucking distraction. To be free from discrimination and the very real threat of violence that often results murder should ostensibly be an issue liberals would care about. But even with the most selfish framing, trans issues are directly related to the lack of adequate and affordable healthcare that plagues this country even after it socially murdered over a million people with the lack of COVID response. So, trans issues should not be seen as a "distraction" or a "culture war", because increasing discrimination and stochastic violence against a vulnerable minority should be issues that even liberals care about.

      • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
        2 days ago

        No, fuck off and die. If you're trans, you should be able to get the hormones you want instead of having your body warped and mutated by the incorrect puberty. The only trans people who disagree with this are pickmes who think that by groveling and sucking up to cis people they might be less transphobic(it won't work, you will never be "one of the good ones.) You know what's a life altering change to your body? Fucking cis puberty. Everyone who thinks that trans kids who realize their actual gender and come out before 18 should be unable to transition is bigoted scum. Transphobes should be forcibly dosed with estrogen/testosterone so that they are made to experience even a tiny fraction of the suffering and dysphoria that is being trans.

        "The trans issue is being used to divide us and distract from economy" eat shit and die. The right to medical care, to be free from discrimination, to not get fucking murdered like Brianna Ghey and Nex Benedict or god knows how many others is not a distraction. It is not culture war.

          • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
            2 days ago

            Oh, so trans people are responsible for transphobia now. We should just shut up and "keep it in the bedroom, I don't want to see that kind of stuff on public" and maybe the "largely supportive" cissoids will give us a crumb of rights. Got it.

          • Azarova [they/them]
            2 days ago

            I don't think your "fuck off and die" attitude is going to convince very many people to be accepting of trans people.

            Do you think maybe that attitude is the result of being one of the primary political scapegoats for fascists for several years now, while liberals have largely sat on their hands and done nothing while hundreds and hundreds of discriminatory bills flow through state legislatures every single year? While liberals like you gradually adopt reactionary framing (the "dangers" of puberty blockers and the alleged commonality of trans surgeries for children) on the issue, ceding ever more ground to their rhetoric?

            You're providing a perfect example of the kind of attitude that will get fascists elected.

            And then victim blaming as the cherry on top. Very cool.

          • MrFunnyMoustache@lemmy.ml
            2 days ago

            While an aggressive attitude won't change the mind of bigots, a polite and respectful response to someone who advocates for forcing kids to go through the wrong puberty is going to be especially difficult for people with personal trauma for it, and it's unreasonable to expect it of them.

            I think it's a reasonable reaction to throw polite discourse out when people use "moderate" as a cover for their bigotry. This is like when "moderate" person said that segregation of black people was reasonable when people were fighting for their civil rights, and that since the moderates weren't pro-slavery so they were the good guys. No, you're not the good guys, you're just not as bad as the super evil guys. Congrats.

            Now I won't tell you to "fuck off and die", but I will tell you to fuck off. If you were someone I personally knew, I would have put in the effort to be polite and try to educate you or whatever, but since we don't know each other it's unlikely to land.

            I say it as someone who used to think like you.

              • Azarova [they/them]
                2 days ago

                Puberty is not something that is "inflicted" on anyone.

                It is when we have the safe medication to make it avoidable for someone who would be harmed by it, but """moderates""" are tying themselves into knots trying to find ways to subvert the medical consensus because the existence of trans children makes them uncomfortable or whatever fucking justification they tell themselves.

      • doubtingtammy@lemmy.ml
        2 days ago

        The right: I know better than doctors, and need to make medical decisions for the unwashed masses

        Moderates: I know better than doctors, and need to make medical decisions for the unwashed masses

        Leftists on Lemmy: bro wtf

  • Kuori [she/her]
    2 days ago

    will nothing sate this man's lust for child blood