In the unproductive way. I see people starting useless drama posts and they'll get upvotes(?) and it's like... c'mon, this isn't productive. But at the same time I've seen people pushing for acceptance of all lefties, solidarity style, while still having healthy debate. Example; personally, I'm a socialist who's a little wary of tankies who get off on riling up their haters, but I still fucking love them as a member of my community and my movement. And when I approach them with this mindset sometimes they understand and talk to me about it in good faith, then sometimes I'm a reddit soylib who has no place here. Do you guys think we spend too much time infighting, or are we the praxis-chads we think we are?

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    We all agree on how fucked the world is, and it's really fucking hard to find people who really gives a shit about it, and you all happen to be funny so I like to stay around people like you.

    Then, some nerds start arguing about nerd shit (ie HOW to create a better world, or what really happened 100 years ago) and it's interesting to read; BUTT, to get butthurt about it, it's fucking stupid 99.9999% of times.