Rest in peace Andre Vltchek

  • Yun [he/him]
    4 years ago

    He seemed to be as based as a journalist could possibly be:

    Also from this interview :


    I think that Western Imperialism is actually the only problem that this planet has

    Responding to whether doing the work he does is worthwhile (18:18):

    Look, the worst thing that can happen to you is that you will die. I'm 56, and I lived maybe 15, 20 lifetimes already and I enjoyed my life tremendously. So I would love to live here until 90 or something but I'm not gonna sit down and shut up. I love this struggle. If I would sit down, you know my eye got injured in Borneo, I couldn't see for three days, [...], but I already began working because if I sit down and I do nothing, I feel guilty, I feel horrible. Because it's a responsibility. And Che Guevara actually, and Cuban revolutionaries, they knew perfectly well what it is, and they said that you know, if you work for the revolution, if you struggle for the people, it should not be worn as some kind of a medal, it is just duty that you are performing, it's nothing else.